Suzanna Fowers

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Looking for romance? Suzanna also writes under the name, Stephanie Fowers
Alas! Her eyes haunt Captain Maximilian still.

​​Mimi is the fair daughter of the enemy, branded mad for the frightful stories that brought their lands to war.

​They are of two rival houses: the Houndsbergs and the Carlsbads. And the witch will revenge herself on them all if Max surrenders to this forbidden passion.

​And yet, in Mimi, he still sees some marks of the merry sprite who once bested him at catching toads. Did she not once look upon him in their youth as more than a dirty beggar? None else has stirred his heart so.

​But what is that in the face of their doomed, entangled destinies? The years have only revealed her as a barefoot lunatic and him as a monster possessed, for none can stand against his sword arm… only her eyes. They pierce his armored soul and beckon him to liberate her sisters from a shadowy world that she swears still binds them in an endless dance.

Hereafter, he must choose whom he serves—-the crown or the only woman he has ever loved.

​​*Embark upon an epic tale where the intrigue of gilded ballrooms entwines with the dread specters of warfare and sorcery. The Curse of Swords and Slippers unveils a world where the magic of love battles against the forces of vengeance and greed. As ancient feuds awaken, will Mimi and Max forge their own destinies, or succumb to the curse that has plagued their bloodlines for generations?